Beautiful characters. I love all the different sprites, and the way blinking is used to make eye movement seem more like, well, movement, instead of a jump from one to the other.
During the first half of the game I felt that the pacing was a bit odd. Conversations seemed perfectly paced, but when it came from going from location to location it felt like everything was happening very quickly. I think more time could've been spent there to give off a stronger sense of a 'long journey'. I understand that everything happens in one day, but the movement from one location to the other gives off the vibe of occurring in 15 minutes or something. I'm not sure if that's because this is the demo or not.
As for interactions, I think that the personalities are expressed pretty well. Making five main characters, to me, lends to a challenge in keeping them all distinct. This happens in both dialogue and design. Again, nice work there.
I feel that there are a few writing cliches that stand out to me. Generally I think the writing and description are good, but I found certain lines awkward. Especially the "is this a promise or a threat" variants (they appear two times). The appearance of these lines, which to me didn't seem to fit in well with MC's general dialogue, gave me the impression that two people worked on the script, or, at the very least, that the writer had a significant experience gap between different types of writing.
To clarify, I don't find an issue with having multiple writers- I just think there would be more benefits to cohesion. I also think that having some of the common sayings found in real life took me out of the story a bit. I know it's kind of dumb since there isn't much of a reason for them not to exist in game, especially since it seems that humans and normal animals and flora still exist, but they did throw me off a bit. Unique sayings and idioms would've been very enjoyable to me, even if they did have the same meaning. Of all the opinions shared in this comment, that's what I feel weakest about.
So I choice the thief background, and it didn't really make much sense to me. Characters were constantly sneaking up on my character and aside from one or two lines it wasn't really acknowledged. If anything, the addition of lines that did acknowledge the whole thief background thing felt more awkward than not. If MC really does has a background of crime, then they either wouldn't be as startled by every single person to talk to them, be better at lying, etc etc, or they would express some sort of confusion at the fact that their instincts aren't of help. They're very obvious about not wanting people to see their hands, but some of the Hound descvriptions and lines pertain to being highly socially aware and good at navigating dangerous situations.
Finally, I think that a bit more world building thought would improve the quality of the story, both for the character, and the city in general.
For example, (spoilers incoming), MC is evidently traumatised by touching people and getting negative results. I think it's unrealistic how fast they allow Leander to touch their hand. Yes, it's mentioned that their confidence is what persuades MC to take a chance, but surely other people have shown confidence before. Furthermore, back to the Hound background, as that's what I used as my background, surely MC is also familiar with people who are highly confident in their ability to deal with danger..?
I understand that implementing backgrounds is hard, but I think that if the Hound background and traits can't be implemented, it may be best to remove this as an option at all- mage's apprentice and priests' oracle both grew up isolated and therefore are likely lacking in information and social awareness, both of which work quite well for all of MC's interaction errors. Both would lead to a naive, confused character. Meanwhile, MC growing up on the streets and being highly experienced with social dealings lends to an entirely different approach- that of someone more mature and aware. It feels like that would be a difficult character and very difficult to implement. I haven't played with the other backgrounds, but neither seem like they would surprise me with MC's awkward, anything-but-subtle behaviour.
Or, another thing, and I'm not sure if this is actually not implemented or will bite us in the back later (if so, looking forward to it!)- it's mentioned multiple times that information is currency in the city. Okay, cool. But then why do so many characters give so much information with little prompting and little request back? The only time I would really say that MC has to give information to get information is at the beginning, with giving their name and information about the curse. But specifically at the end, MC is able to ask like 7 questions to any character with very little pushback, even when information is supposed to be valuable and not given in exchange for nothing. If this catches up with us later and other characters are like "hey, give me my dues", then that's fine, but playing this demo it did feel like (the creators) like this idea of information acting as currency, but don't actually implement it, unless every character is just uniquely willing to give information for free.
This is especially weird in the context of Mhin at the end (if you follow them) saying that you can't get anything unless you have power, connections, etc, but simultaneously MC has gotten free drinks, a hotel room, and a ton of information about the cult and city occupants. I feel like at the very least MC would be like "what do you mean, people have been a ton of help to me!!" in response because what Mhin is saying is a direct contradiction of MC's entire experience, but they don't. TLDR it feels like information as currency isn't implemented, and it leaves me feeling constantly like the converstaions MC has with others are unearned because information is described as being immensely valuable (Kuras describes MC asking questions as a breach of etiquette) but then MC seems to get it pretty easily.
One last thing, not relevant to worldbuilding- MC meets some lady with a scar who shows her to the Spring? There's no sprite there for the woman. I thought it was intentional, but some of the directing (really enjoyable directing, by the way. Loved the camera movements, utilised very well) led me to think that it wasn't. Same with being introduced to the Soulless near Ais, though less of a concern. Wanted to point that out in case it wasn't intentional. Playing on a Mac Intel if that's of any use.
Over all, I'm very excited for the full game. Hoping the information as currency idea is more developed and prevents MC from certain things or results in MC taking certain actions. I have two love interests I really like. I'm curious about whether or not there will actually be an explicit "choose your route" option in the actual game or if it'll develop based off of choices.
Love the effort put in for all the options. I thought it was super cool to be able to get each character's opinions on everyone else. I thought it was cute that Vere stops you from asking about every character- definitely took me off guard- and I found it a very unique detail how Leander changes his description based off of the opinion you give- the fact that he always asks first lends a lot to his character (wouldn't socially aware Hound!MC pick up on this though?), and also the fact that MC sees a really pleasant guy but all other characters pretty much purely insult him.
I also liked seeing different dynamics between the characters. Like yes, I know I mentioend characters having opinions on every characters, but I can imagine this easiliy being neutral, whereas it seems like there are diverse sentiments that were fun to pick through.
Looking forward to the finished game! Good luck, this project seems to have a lot of care put into it.
I've only played the demo and I would already die for Leander, I don't care what he's hiding he's too pretty for me to care about his red flags sdfhsdf. Also Ais and Vere are so obviously into each other lmao, like get a room already and stop making us feel like the third wheel :')
I forgot to mention, but overall the plot (with the MC being able to have different backgrounds and abilities) is really interesting! The music and sound effects sound great, the sprites and CGs look stunning, but I kinda wish the backgrounds got a little bit more love as they seem a bit barebones to me, and the lack of depth and shadows clash quite a bit with how detailed the sprites are. Same with the UI. BUT this is just a demo, so I'm sure this will all be improved in the full version, overall I'm really excited to play this game once it comes out!
don't break my heart more than this lol , i'll be out and idk how my new life would sail but i know one thing for sure that i'll have no device in my hand even nokia will be prohibited lmao agh here i come my damn future
Has anyone had difficulty *after* opening the game? Where the screen saying "Made with Unity" comes up but then there's just an hourglass in the bottom right corner forever? I'm using Mac OS Ventura...
Hi! I've been having the same problem for over a week now, and I'm using Windows :( I tried to comment my issue a week ago but still got no response so far
I’m not poly, so this isn’t my preference… But if there are poly routes, I only hope that it doesn’t feel like my MC is intruding on an already established relationship or feeling left out… That was my problem with When the Night Comes. I felt like my MC was a third wheel and I completely lost interest in the game ... Thank you for your consideration, devs!
Yes! Completely agree. And I don't want to intrude and break up couples either haha. If more people agree with this, please let the devs know :D I just want my monogamous 1 person route romances, so we can give each other 1 on 1 attention please, thank you!
Its your opinion which is fine but that shouldnt take away the possibility of other options. A healthy polyamorous relationship doesnt feel like being an intruder or left out. It feels like being close to more than one partner and so can they. If that would be an optional route I would like to see it and I would love if they took away the misconceptions most people have and actually make it a healthy and embracing relationship. Baldurs Gate 3 included polyamory but they rather made you feel bad about it because they made it pretty obvious one didnt want the poly relationship but felt pressured. "1 on 1" doesnt need to exclude it at all and vice versa. Nowadays monogamy is not the only option and I think it would be good to implement other forms of relationships (as with gender and sexuality) and represent it well IF it fits the game, the story, the characters and overall what the developers want.
While that would be nice, in a game like this it might be hard to implement. I could see some customization but I don't imagine there would be very many options. Especially since most dating sims / otome games don't usually have any character customization at all outside of changing the character's name.
imagine being so pathetic and butthurt that you had to cry to mods so they would ban me, you are a 3rd gen chinese american living in california and posing as native chinese. digital footprint bro i can easily find you and now i know you are a weird freak who plays dark romance visual novels LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO. you give the whole of china a bad name. "hOw MaNy TiMeS hAvE yOu WaTcHeD tHe 1986 SeRiEs" just made you sound like a retard because some of us actually read the original novel, i did so 3 times cover to cover whilst growing up. you just sound like some pathetic little skinny nerd to jacks off to the 1986 series and pictures of monkeys in his mothers basement, seems like the screen really gives people a lot of confidence they lack in real life. "This is my childhood brought to life." buddy i think your entire childhood is fiction then and you should find some real chinese history to learn about. haha wait i forgot you are a degenerate who plays dark romance visual novels and based his entire life and social media presence off a fictional character. sad really isnt it? that discord is the only place youve ever felt accepted in your sad little life
So is AIs a love interest Please don't tell me, ais and Vere have some weird love entanglement or are they just really good friends, Because I well be so sad if so
yes he is a love interest in his route, him and Vere are friends with benefits but Ais "got too attached", I guess if they got together it would be toxic or something
I love the game, and can't wait for the full version. Although, I am having trouble replaying it! The first launch was smooth and I was able to finish one route. The problem is I can't open the game after I exited it the first time. I tried re-installing it, and restarting my laptop, but it didn't work. It always shows the loading screen: black with an hourglass in the corner, and stays like that as long as I leave it. Is there any way I can fix this?
I really wanna play this demo and show my love but it's so hard to play on mac. I've typed everything on the instructions on terminal I've looked at comments and I've looked online but nothing seems to work, please help.
I type in; chmod R-777 And the response is chmod: Invalid file mode: R-777
I type in; chmod 777 And the response is chmod: No such file or directory.
Please help I really wanna play this game, it's so cool and fun and I wanna fall in love with playing it.
I typed "chmod -R 777" copy and pasted from the doc but i get the "no such file or directory" message too. also the game sorta opens but stays frozen on a black screen with a rotating hourglass. has anyone been able to find a fix?
everytime i try and click terminal like the mac tutorial says it just comes up with this, not what the picture says it would (╥﹏╥) anyone know what to do?
you're probably having trouble with what u have to type, so first type "ls"(lowercase L) after the "%", next type "cd Downloads" after the "%", and finally if ur on INTEL type "chmod -R 777" after the "%" and if ur on apple silicon type "chmod -R 777" after the "%", then try to open the game and it should work
Hi, I really love the game already. Can't wait to play the full version :D But i have a small problem, i don't know how it happend, but the game window became minimized to an bar and i can't maximize it anymore. I can't click on maximize and i can't enlarge it by "pulling" the sites of the window. Thats how it looks and i can't change it. I re-installed the game about 20 times already and delted all game folders but nothing works.
Forced my straight, male, normie, friend to play this and he absolutely loved it and kept asking me if i know when the full game comes out. So I'd say its a win :)
This demo is soooooooo gorgeous (like, visually through the art, but also to my heart with the lovely writing) and each character is desirable (visually and personality wise), so um... whenever this comes out, I'm here!
WOW! What a promising demo! Artwork, writing, ambient and character music, worldbuilding, all of it soo so good. A tiny thing I really adored was that each character has what feels like a LOT of expressions, which are both helpful in reading the tone of their dialogue as well as pleasant to look at~ Can't wait for the full thing!
this game was sooooo amazing the demo was so good i can't think of how great the full games gonna be the art, the characters, the personalities everything is sooo good i can't wait for the full game!!
Just finished the demo and so hyped for the full game o.o if this lives up to what the demo promises, this will be one of the best VNs I've ever read. So far, the characters seem really interesting and well thought-out (and all fucking hot xD) the protag and their internal monologue feels extremely reasonable and befitting the situation and what little I've seen of the world, it's seem equally deep. In short, the money for the full version is already set aside xD Absolutely recommend to anyone who likes dark stories...or well, anyone who likes to read, really!
Each character is so interesting!! When the full game comes out I can't wait to play through everyone's route and get close to them (except Leander, he will be last).
← Return to visual novel
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will the full game be free once released?
pretty sure it's still a demo :(
Urgh, android is nit hereeeeee....
I want to play this cause the characters looks so fine but I'm on Android 😭😭
All these r from an year ago an i that late????
im later than you 😔
dude......come here lets give both a "2 years later but still no game" hug come 'ere
I just found it and played it, am I later? :,)
its ok dude i think we can do a three hug?? (is there a thing called "three hug")
does anyone know if we can buy the full game yet? and if we can where!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
its not out yet, expected to come out in 2025 if memory serves me right
Beautiful characters. I love all the different sprites, and the way blinking is used to make eye movement seem more like, well, movement, instead of a jump from one to the other.
During the first half of the game I felt that the pacing was a bit odd. Conversations seemed perfectly paced, but when it came from going from location to location it felt like everything was happening very quickly. I think more time could've been spent there to give off a stronger sense of a 'long journey'. I understand that everything happens in one day, but the movement from one location to the other gives off the vibe of occurring in 15 minutes or something. I'm not sure if that's because this is the demo or not.
As for interactions, I think that the personalities are expressed pretty well. Making five main characters, to me, lends to a challenge in keeping them all distinct. This happens in both dialogue and design. Again, nice work there.
I feel that there are a few writing cliches that stand out to me. Generally I think the writing and description are good, but I found certain lines awkward. Especially the "is this a promise or a threat" variants (they appear two times). The appearance of these lines, which to me didn't seem to fit in well with MC's general dialogue, gave me the impression that two people worked on the script, or, at the very least, that the writer had a significant experience gap between different types of writing.
To clarify, I don't find an issue with having multiple writers- I just think there would be more benefits to cohesion. I also think that having some of the common sayings found in real life took me out of the story a bit. I know it's kind of dumb since there isn't much of a reason for them not to exist in game, especially since it seems that humans and normal animals and flora still exist, but they did throw me off a bit. Unique sayings and idioms would've been very enjoyable to me, even if they did have the same meaning. Of all the opinions shared in this comment, that's what I feel weakest about.
So I choice the thief background, and it didn't really make much sense to me. Characters were constantly sneaking up on my character and aside from one or two lines it wasn't really acknowledged. If anything, the addition of lines that did acknowledge the whole thief background thing felt more awkward than not. If MC really does has a background of crime, then they either wouldn't be as startled by every single person to talk to them, be better at lying, etc etc, or they would express some sort of confusion at the fact that their instincts aren't of help. They're very obvious about not wanting people to see their hands, but some of the Hound descvriptions and lines pertain to being highly socially aware and good at navigating dangerous situations.
Finally, I think that a bit more world building thought would improve the quality of the story, both for the character, and the city in general.
For example, (spoilers incoming), MC is evidently traumatised by touching people and getting negative results. I think it's unrealistic how fast they allow Leander to touch their hand. Yes, it's mentioned that their confidence is what persuades MC to take a chance, but surely other people have shown confidence before. Furthermore, back to the Hound background, as that's what I used as my background, surely MC is also familiar with people who are highly confident in their ability to deal with danger..?
I understand that implementing backgrounds is hard, but I think that if the Hound background and traits can't be implemented, it may be best to remove this as an option at all- mage's apprentice and priests' oracle both grew up isolated and therefore are likely lacking in information and social awareness, both of which work quite well for all of MC's interaction errors. Both would lead to a naive, confused character. Meanwhile, MC growing up on the streets and being highly experienced with social dealings lends to an entirely different approach- that of someone more mature and aware. It feels like that would be a difficult character and very difficult to implement. I haven't played with the other backgrounds, but neither seem like they would surprise me with MC's awkward, anything-but-subtle behaviour.
Or, another thing, and I'm not sure if this is actually not implemented or will bite us in the back later (if so, looking forward to it!)- it's mentioned multiple times that information is currency in the city. Okay, cool. But then why do so many characters give so much information with little prompting and little request back? The only time I would really say that MC has to give information to get information is at the beginning, with giving their name and information about the curse. But specifically at the end, MC is able to ask like 7 questions to any character with very little pushback, even when information is supposed to be valuable and not given in exchange for nothing. If this catches up with us later and other characters are like "hey, give me my dues", then that's fine, but playing this demo it did feel like (the creators) like this idea of information acting as currency, but don't actually implement it, unless every character is just uniquely willing to give information for free.
This is especially weird in the context of Mhin at the end (if you follow them) saying that you can't get anything unless you have power, connections, etc, but simultaneously MC has gotten free drinks, a hotel room, and a ton of information about the cult and city occupants. I feel like at the very least MC would be like "what do you mean, people have been a ton of help to me!!" in response because what Mhin is saying is a direct contradiction of MC's entire experience, but they don't. TLDR it feels like information as currency isn't implemented, and it leaves me feeling constantly like the converstaions MC has with others are unearned because information is described as being immensely valuable (Kuras describes MC asking questions as a breach of etiquette) but then MC seems to get it pretty easily.
One last thing, not relevant to worldbuilding- MC meets some lady with a scar who shows her to the Spring? There's no sprite there for the woman. I thought it was intentional, but some of the directing (really enjoyable directing, by the way. Loved the camera movements, utilised very well) led me to think that it wasn't. Same with being introduced to the Soulless near Ais, though less of a concern. Wanted to point that out in case it wasn't intentional. Playing on a Mac Intel if that's of any use.
Over all, I'm very excited for the full game. Hoping the information as currency idea is more developed and prevents MC from certain things or results in MC taking certain actions. I have two love interests I really like. I'm curious about whether or not there will actually be an explicit "choose your route" option in the actual game or if it'll develop based off of choices.
Love the effort put in for all the options. I thought it was super cool to be able to get each character's opinions on everyone else. I thought it was cute that Vere stops you from asking about every character- definitely took me off guard- and I found it a very unique detail how Leander changes his description based off of the opinion you give- the fact that he always asks first lends a lot to his character (wouldn't socially aware Hound!MC pick up on this though?), and also the fact that MC sees a really pleasant guy but all other characters pretty much purely insult him.
I also liked seeing different dynamics between the characters. Like yes, I know I mentioend characters having opinions on every characters, but I can imagine this easiliy being neutral, whereas it seems like there are diverse sentiments that were fun to pick through.
Looking forward to the finished game! Good luck, this project seems to have a lot of care put into it.
I've only played the demo and I would already die for Leander, I don't care what he's hiding he's too pretty for me to care about his red flags sdfhsdf. Also Ais and Vere are so obviously into each other lmao, like get a room already and stop making us feel like the third wheel :')
I forgot to mention, but overall the plot (with the MC being able to have different backgrounds and abilities) is really interesting! The music and sound effects sound great, the sprites and CGs look stunning, but I kinda wish the backgrounds got a little bit more love as they seem a bit barebones to me, and the lack of depth and shadows clash quite a bit with how detailed the sprites are. Same with the UI. BUT this is just a demo, so I'm sure this will all be improved in the full version, overall I'm really excited to play this game once it comes out!
the game is still in development !
excited for the ending route
did they add more chapters or sth new ?
right now not really but I bet the actual release have new stuff
the demo have unfinished touches yet like the ending so I guess hopefully we'll get something good
let's wait the said year is 2025
don't break my heart more than this lol , i'll be out and idk how my new life would sail but i know one thing for sure that i'll have no device in my hand even nokia will be prohibited lmao agh here i come my damn future
Yeah, I kinda relate next year for sure I'll be busy but goodluck tho!
Hopefully, You'll have time to play the full version.
You too & thank you for the support lmao , hope we'll make it safe and well !
Has anyone had difficulty *after* opening the game? Where the screen saying "Made with Unity" comes up but then there's just an hourglass in the bottom right corner forever? I'm using Mac OS Ventura...
Hi! I've been having the same problem for over a week now, and I'm using Windows :( I tried to comment my issue a week ago but still got no response so far
I downloaded just a couple days ago it works perfectly fine and I use windows, try deleting the file and downloading again maybe
I’m not poly, so this isn’t my preference… But if there are poly routes, I only hope that it doesn’t feel like my MC is intruding on an already established relationship or feeling left out… That was my problem with When the Night Comes. I felt like my MC was a third wheel and I completely lost interest in the game ... Thank you for your consideration, devs!
so i really hope this one isnt like that too tbh
Yes! Completely agree. And I don't want to intrude and break up couples either haha. If more people agree with this, please let the devs know :D I just want my monogamous 1 person route romances, so we can give each other 1 on 1 attention please, thank you!
yess! because then i am gonna feel guilty for getting in between an already existing couple!
Its your opinion which is fine but that shouldnt take away the possibility of other options. A healthy polyamorous relationship doesnt feel like being an intruder or left out. It feels like being close to more than one partner and so can they. If that would be an optional route I would like to see it and I would love if they took away the misconceptions most people have and actually make it a healthy and embracing relationship. Baldurs Gate 3 included polyamory but they rather made you feel bad about it because they made it pretty obvious one didnt want the poly relationship but felt pressured. "1 on 1" doesnt need to exclude it at all and vice versa. Nowadays monogamy is not the only option and I think it would be good to implement other forms of relationships (as with gender and sexuality) and represent it well IF it fits the game, the story, the characters and overall what the developers want.
we should get personality and character customization like how our character looks and acts the body type and everything, what do you guys think??
While that would be nice, in a game like this it might be hard to implement. I could see some customization but I don't imagine there would be very many options. Especially since most dating sims / otome games don't usually have any character customization at all outside of changing the character's name.
Yeah you're right :C
imagine being so pathetic and butthurt that you had to cry to mods so they would ban me, you are a 3rd gen chinese american living in california and posing as native chinese. digital footprint bro i can easily find you and now i know you are a weird freak who plays dark romance visual novels LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO. you give the whole of china a bad name. "hOw MaNy TiMeS hAvE yOu WaTcHeD tHe 1986 SeRiEs" just made you sound like a retard because some of us actually read the original novel, i did so 3 times cover to cover whilst growing up. you just sound like some pathetic little skinny nerd to jacks off to the 1986 series and pictures of monkeys in his mothers basement, seems like the screen really gives people a lot of confidence they lack in real life. "This is my childhood brought to life." buddy i think your entire childhood is fiction then and you should find some real chinese history to learn about. haha wait i forgot you are a degenerate who plays dark romance visual novels and based his entire life and social media presence off a fictional character. sad really isnt it? that discord is the only place youve ever felt accepted in your sad little life
So is AIs a love interest Please don't tell me, ais and Vere have some weird love entanglement or are they just really good friends, Because I well be so sad if so
yes he is a love interest in his route, him and Vere are friends with benefits but Ais "got too attached", I guess if they got together it would be toxic or something
I love the game, and can't wait for the full version. Although, I am having trouble replaying it! The first launch was smooth and I was able to finish one route. The problem is I can't open the game after I exited it the first time. I tried re-installing it, and restarting my laptop, but it didn't work. It always shows the loading screen: black with an hourglass in the corner, and stays like that as long as I leave it. Is there any way I can fix this?
I really wanna play this demo and show my love but it's so hard to play on mac. I've typed everything on the instructions on terminal I've looked at comments and I've looked online but nothing seems to work, please help.
I type in; chmod R-777 And the response is chmod: Invalid file mode: R-777
I type in; chmod 777 And the response is chmod: No such file or directory.
Please help I really wanna play this game, it's so cool and fun and I wanna fall in love with playing it.
It's because u have to type -R 777
I typed "chmod -R 777" copy and pasted from the doc but i get the "no such file or directory" message too. also the game sorta opens but stays frozen on a black screen with a rotating hourglass. has anyone been able to find a fix?
Really loved the demo. The caracters are intriguing and I can't wait to see more of the game's world.
Some of the caracters really caught my interest if I can say so lol...
Thank you for your good work and I'm lookink forward to play the full game.
P.S. I did one of the choice for funsies and wasn't disapointed. Made me crack up.
This demo was really good so far, cant wait to see what happens next!
everytime i try and click terminal like the mac tutorial says it just comes up with this, not what the picture says it would (╥﹏╥) anyone know what to do?
It doesn't necessarily need to look like the picture btw.
But instead of typing everything after the "$" type everything after the "%". Hope that helped
aaaaag it just says command not found;;; but thank u for helping !!!
you're probably having trouble with what u have to type, so first type "ls"(lowercase L) after the "%", next type "cd Downloads" after the "%", and finally if ur on INTEL type "chmod -R 777" after the "%" and if ur on apple silicon type "chmod -R 777" after the "%", then try to open the game and it should work
oommgg huhuhuhu i was typing Is with an uppercase i ;; thank u so much i would've just been staring at my screen frustrated if nor for u ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧
you're welcome :D
I can't open it on Mac so I tried using the instructions and idk where I messed up but it doesn't work :(
nvm I got it
Hi, I really love the game already. Can't wait to play the full version :D

But i have a small problem, i don't know how it happend, but the game window became minimized to an bar and i can't maximize it anymore. I can't click on maximize and i can't enlarge it by "pulling" the sites of the window.
Thats how it looks and i can't change it.
I re-installed the game about 20 times already and delted all game folders but nothing works.
Forced my straight, male, normie, friend to play this and he absolutely loved it and kept asking me if i know when the full game comes out. So I'd say its a win :)
I'm enjoying it
I am dying waiting for the full game, is there any news about when it will be out???
2025 ish based on what i've heard- sorry!! :c
Played this Demo a year ago and was blown away, can't wait for the full release!! <3 I truly am invested in the characters :-)
So crazy excited for this one! :D
Obsessed with this so far!!
This demo is soooooooo gorgeous (like, visually through the art, but also to my heart with the lovely writing) and each character is desirable (visually and personality wise), so um... whenever this comes out, I'm here!
WOW! What a promising demo! Artwork, writing, ambient and character music, worldbuilding, all of it soo so good. A tiny thing I really adored was that each character has what feels like a LOT of expressions, which are both helpful in reading the tone of their dialogue as well as pleasant to look at~ Can't wait for the full thing!
so.... full game when? pls im loving this and would be so very happy to know when i could get my hands on more lol
is it just me? whenever I try to play I get up to "choose your origin" and it doesn't allow me to do anything?? does anybody know what's happening?
this game was sooooo amazing the demo was so good i can't think of how great the full games gonna be the art, the characters, the personalities everything is sooo good i can't wait for the full game!!
Just finished the demo and so hyped for the full game o.o if this lives up to what the demo promises, this will be one of the best VNs I've ever read. So far, the characters seem really interesting and well thought-out (and all fucking hot xD) the protag and their internal monologue feels extremely reasonable and befitting the situation and what little I've seen of the world, it's seem equally deep. In short, the money for the full version is already set aside xD Absolutely recommend to anyone who likes dark stories...or well, anyone who likes to read, really!
Can you play it on IPad? Just curious.
I dont think you can, its only for Mac and PCs
Ah dang
im back after a few months of playing this game. Im still waiting for another version to be up!! i loveee this game sooo much it's literally GOLDEN
Each character is so interesting!! When the full game comes out I can't wait to play through everyone's route and get close to them (except Leander, he will be last).
Absolutely nothing lmao. I simply dislike him because he reminds me of a generic playboy wich is not my type of guy haha
Oh yes, absolutely. He was such a sweety, and also the one that offered the most help, he basically paid for everything!
I'm so bloody obsessed. Can't wait for more to be released. I'm completely infatuated with this game. (✿◕‿◕✿)